Thursday, November 29, 2012

Fresh air

     Today I took a break from trying to get over my cold/ bronchitis/walking pneumonia thingie that I have had for over a week now and went for a walk, figuring the fresh air could do me some good. I took along my camera just in case I saw something worth capturing, and that I did. First off, I spotted the first fall colors in our neighborhood. I don't know if it is because we are near the beach but everything is still a vibrant green here so I have been on a mission to find some fall foliage. If you drive a few miles inland, bam... orange, pinks and reds galore. But I have yet to see some of those colors here, until today. So I snapped a shot of that...

After that, I headed to the beach which was completely empty, a nice change from the norm. No traffic, no screaming kids, no cell phones, just the sound of the ocean. So I sat for a few minutes and took in the view and some pics...

Then, out of nowhere, 2 dogs shot onto the scene, a Jack Russell and a Black Lab. Actually 1 shot while the other cruised, guess which dog 'shot' and which dog 'cruised'? I couldn't help but laugh at the Jack Russell completely tormenting the older Lab as he tried to, and I can only assume this, enjoy the quiet beach day just like I was doing. It started out harmless with the Jack doing what I like to refer to as multiple 'fly-bys' where they continuously sprint by you just out of arms reach, coming from every direction with such blazing speed that it often dupes their 'target' into thinking there are multiple dogs flying by...

Then the lab decided enough was enough and lunged at the Jack...

And that is when the Jack turned it on. He did what I can close my eyes and see our two Jack Russells doing a gazillion times. They run full speed (do they ever do anything half-speed?), fly in the air and manage to change directions, all the while still in mid-air and never losing a step. It must be a Jack Russell trait because this little guy executed it perfectly leaving the lab in the dust...

Then I walked home and put up our Christmas tree...

The end.

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